LosT MinD


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tHe phILosOpHy

WhAt aRe ThE mOsT iMpoRtaNt prInCiPLeS tHAt SoMeONe sHouLD RuLe tHeIR LiFE bY?

LiVe liFe tO tHe fuLLesT

...soMe lIvE lIfE bY daY bY dAy...
...soMe pLans a miLLioN yEarS aHeaD...
...hOweVer yOu WanT yOUr liFe tO bE yOu aNd oNLy yOu CaN dEciDe...


LiFe shOuLD bE
...aS loUd aS tHunDeR...
...aS bRigHt aS LighThinG...

mY oPiNioN:

iN tHis coLumN i'LL wRItE
aBouT eVeRytHinG tHat cOnCerNs yOu aNd i


tHe PYrRamiD

~...siNcE I wAs vEry youNG i hAvE bEEn fAsCiNatED bY iT iN tImE i'LL wRitE MoRe aBOuT iT...~

dIsAgrEE??? wRitE tO mE~!

get this gear!